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About me

I support people to see, that bringing their visions to life is possible, so they can contribute fully to their communities.

Ich arbeite als Coach, Facilitator, Trainer und Community Builder, um eine regenerative Transformation unserer sozialen Systeme zu unterstützen. In all diesen Funktionen ist es mein Ziel, Bedingungen und Räume zu schaffen, in denen Klarheit entsteht, sich Möglichkeiten entfalten und die Weisheit von Kollektiven und Einzelpersonen zum Vorschein kommen kann. Nach meinem Studium der Agrarbiologie und der Arbeit in einer selbstorganisierten CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) habe ich erkannt, dass wir nicht nur die materiellen Bedingungen der Gesellschaft verändern können, um die Klimakrise abzuwenden, Kriege zu beenden und Unterdrückung zu bekämpfen. Wir müssen auch gleichzeitig unsere sozialen und inneren Bedingungen verändern. Ich bin von der Academy for Coaching Excellence in dem von Maria Nemeth entwickelten ontologischen Coaching-Modell ausgebildet. Durch meine jahrelange Erfahrung in selbstorganisierenden Gruppen bin ich mit den komplexen Zusammenhängen der Zusammenarbeit für eine Welt, in der sich alle wohlfühlen können, vertraut.

Everyone holds their own answers to the challenges they are facing - my job is to support you to practice the skill of tapping into your innate wisdom.

I am passionate about holding space for change-makers to clarify what it is that excites them about contributing to the transformation of society, so they can step into action with their full power, produce meaningful results, and experience a sense of ease and satisfaction. This passion gets kicked up a notch when I get to work with groups and communities on their collective challenges. To me, there is nothing that compares to feeling the discomfort in a space, that naturally comes with speaking the truth – be it in 1:1 coaching or with groups – and then holding a compassionate container for the people I work with, so they can transform their discomfort into the lightness that comes with having looked at something important with clarity.

Partners & Projects

In 2020 I co-founded derknoten.wien – a creative space, neighbourhood workshop, co-working space, and political education association. We organize a feminist workshop festival once a year – Befreiraum - where we invite the perspectives of artists, activists, and educators to collectively make sense of patriarchal history and come up with strategies to dismantle it in the here and now.

I’m also collaborating with Humus and Civil Action Network regularly, for example on projects like Tipping Points or Meeting through Movement.

When I’m not doing all of these things, I love spending time in the mountains, climbing, biking or hiking, with friends or alone, far away or close to home – the mountains are where I re-charge, compost, and process whatever happens in the rest of life.

If you share the sense, that a radically different world is possible, where the way humans organize their collective existence is conducive to life and we manage to reconcile all the different needs and interests, I would love to chat with you! Be it in the frame of an interest-chat for a coaching relationship, to just get to know each other, or to collaborate on a project – I’m always excited to meet fellow change agents!

Just click the button below to find a time or send me an email at hello@jonasgroener.com

About my coaching

Mein Coaching Ansatz ist stark geprägt von Maria Nemeth’s ontologischem Coaching und Richard Schwartz’ Internal Family Systems. Wenn du mehr darüber erfahren willst, warum ich als Coach arbeite, was mich daran begeistert und mit welchen Herausforderungen ich Klient*innen häufig unterstütze, kannst du dir hier ein Interview ansehen, das mein Mentor Greg Reinauer mit mir aufgenommen hat.
