Hi, I'm Jonas
I support activists, community builders and social change-makers to take courageous action on their vision of a future that works for all life, in the face of multiple overlapping crises.
About my coaching
I work with people who recognize that systemic inequalities and injustice, are the cause of a lot of misery and suffering. It can seem very difficult to find ways to act upon this realization. Sometimes it seems even more difficult to reconcile effective transformational work and personal well-being.
It doesn’t have to be like that though. We all have the ability to recognize our most meaningful contribution and to realize it with ease – and without burning ourselves out.
I offer my support in these areas
Clarifying your vision and exploring your core values
Only when we see clearly the vision out of which we engage in transformational work and are present to our values, can we go forward authentically.
Focusing on taking action
All the realizations in the world are useless if we don’t translate them into action. Only when we see the results of our actions in physical reality is it, that we know we are doing the right thing.
Work together sustainably
In groups with strong values, that are contributing to a livable future for all, intrinsic motivation is often so big, that we tend to bite off more that we can chew sometimes. Transformational work is an enduring process though, that can only be carried forward by well rested and healthy humans.
It is my goal that you can make the contributions you are here to make - consistently and with ease and grace.
Who I work with
- activists in the areas of feminism, climate justice and regenerative agriculture
- founders of social start-ups, who’s biggest driver is to make a contributions
- humans who are creating structures of community and mutual support
- humans who’ve had enough of structural injustice, even if they don’t yet now what exactly they are going to do about it
- humans with a vision for a livable future for all
Groups …
- … that want to find their shared purpose and vision
- … that want to clarify their shared relation to “self-care” and “sustainable-activism”
- … that want to uncover and dismantle hidden hierarchies and power dynamics
- ... that are looking for practical ways of living in a more communal way
I am professionally trained through the Academy for Coaching Excellence (ACE). ACE is an International Coaching Federation accredited coaching school. In a total of 150 hrs, I have learned a broad range of coaching skills. My high quality standard is ensured by continuous supervision and mentoring through experienced colleagues.
As a member of the ICF I'm part of the leading worldwide community of coaches. Through the exchange with other coaches in the ICF I ensure my continuous professional development as a coach.

What my clients are saying
With Jonas it was easy to get closer to myself. He does his job very well and I have seldomly encountered a space with such a great atmosphere to work on myself. Can recommend!
anonymous activist
Jonas is a down-to-earth and warm person that will make you feel at-ease immediately. Working with him goes straight to the point by helping you asking yourself important questions, that enable you to find your authentic answers.
Naé L.
Jonas can help you to properly structure your plans of what you want to do in your life. He creates an open and friendly atmosphere in which you can express and explore your ideas and wishes. I can really recommend him!
Thomas, Science Writer
The best way to find out if working together is a fit is to have a conversation. If this sounds like you could benefit from my support, I'd love to have a chat!
Packages & Pricing
1:1 Coaching
lift-off: 3 months, 6 sessions + end-reflection
gain clarity on the vision you have for your live and on how to live from it every day
stabilize: 6 months, 12 sessions + half-time & end-reflection
anchor the ability to live out of your vision in all areas of life
integrate: 12 Monate, 24 Sessions + Halbzeit & Abschlussreflektion + 12 “Lasersessions”
Erhalte laufende Unterstützung dabei, deinen authentischen Beitrag weit über bekannte Fallstricke hinaus zu meistern. Zusätzlich zu den “normalen” Coaching Sessions, kannst du einmal pro Monat eine 15 minütige Lasersession in Anspruch nehmen, um mit deinen Kernwerten und deinem authentischen selbst in Verbindung zu treten
It is my goal to support those who benefit the most from my work. That's why I don't have a fixed hourly rate. You are free to pick a price within the range of the three tiers. I recommend you pick a price that feels like a slight stretch but is not a hardship.
This includes two 60 min. sessions per month + email and text support between sessions.
If none of these tiers reflect your financial situation, please don't hesitate to reach out anyway! I sometimes have the opportunity to offer pro-bono coaching.
Tier 1 - 90 € per month
if it's a stretch to invest into coaching at this time
Tier 2 - 110 € per month
if you are financially stable
Tier 3 – 130 € per month
if you are financially flourishing
Tier 4 150 € per month
if you are financially flourishing and would like to contribute to pro-bono coaching for people with lower income
Here you can find a date for a free discovery session.
Group Coaching
Here to stay - Coaching Group for Climate Activists (3 months, 6 sessions, in German)
Start of the next group: July 2022
Bei “Hier um zu bleiben” geht es darum gemeinsam die Fähigkeit zu entwickeln im Angesicht der Dringlichkeit der Klimakrise, einen kühlen Kopf zu bewahren und authentisch, Schritt für Schritt und mit Freude deinen Beitrag zu leisten – ohne dabei auszubrennen. Mit meiner Unterstützung und der kollektiven Weisheit der Gruppe, gewinnst du Klarheit über dein Warum, den Beitrag, den du bereit bist zu leisten und darüber, was dir für ein erfülltes Leben sonst noch wichtig ist. Keep reading (in German)...
Tailored offers for you and your group
If you are part of a collective, team or activist group and you want to explore the topics purpose and vision, sustainble activism/burn-out prevention or power dynamics, the best way to get in touch is via e-mail or booking a free discovery session. I’ll support you in finding out what it is that you need at the moment and if I am the right person to offer that.
Recent Blog Posts
Walking the talk is not always easy.
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