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Cultivating Community Where You Live and more!

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Hello there!

Now that the new year is already two weeks old, I’m reporting back with the first issue of my newsletter in 2023 and some exciting events, articles and podcasts. Especially close to my heart in this issue is the workshop “Cultivating Community Where You Live” which I will be offering for the first time with my colleague Seth Bush on February 10.

The workshop is for active people and community enthusiasts who are eager to contribute to better lives and more resilient communities in their immediate neighborhoods. In about 2 hours, we will explore together (if you like) your “why” when it comes to neighborly networking and clarify how you can take the first step towards a vibrant, resilient neighborhood with ease and joy.

If you want to know more about why Seth and I are on fire for this topic, check it out here. For more info and registration, check out my website here.


Cultivating Community Where you Live | 10.02.2023 | 18:00 | online

Film Screening: Lovers Notebook | 21.01.2023 | 18:00 | Heinzelmanngasse 17, Vienna

Tipping Points 8 – Skills and Methods for Social Movements – Focus: Community Organizing | 24.-26.02.2023 | Alte WU, Augasse 2-6, Vienna

Articles & Newsletters

Building Resilient Organizations – Toward Joy and Durable Power in a Time of Crisis

How We Make Decentralized Decisions

Climate – The newsletter for those who get it


Building Networks in Uncertain Times – The Great Simplification with Marty Kearns

Who decides who decides: recursivity in grammars of governance – Metagovernance Seminar with Ted Rau and Alex Rodriguez

Learnings from Hosting “Embodying Collective Transformation – Shift Podcast with Karl Steyaert (also available on the Microsolidarity Channel)

Debriefing After a Retreat with Climate Activists – Me and Richard D. Bartlett on the Microsolidarity Podcast

So, that’s it from me for now.
Best regards


Hallo du lieber Mensch!

Nachdem das neue Jahr nun schon zwei Wochen alt ist, melde ich mich mit der ersten Ausgabe meines Newsletters in 2023 und einigen spannenden Events, Artikeln und Podcasts. Besonders am Herzen liegt mir in dieser Ausgabe der Workshop “Cultivating Community Where You Live“, den ich mit meinem Kollegen Seth Bush am 10. Februar zum ersten Mal anbieten werde.

Der Workshop richtet sich an engagierte Menschen und Community-Begeisterte, die gerne in ihrer direkten Umgebung einen Beitrag zu einem besseren Leben und resilienterer Gemeinschaft leisten wollen. In ca. 2 Stunden erforschen wir (wenn du magst) gemeinsam dein “Warum”, wenn es um nachbarschaftliche Vernetzung geht und klären, wie du mit Leichtigkeit und Freude den ersten Schritt in Richtung einer lebendigen, resilienten Nachbarschaft gehen kannst.

Wenn du mehr darüber wissen willst, warum Seth und ich für dieses Thema brennen, dann schau doch mal hier. Mehr Infos und Anmeldung findest du hier auf meiner Website.


Cultivating Community Where you Live | 10.02.2023 | 18:00 | online

Filmscreening: Lovers Notebook | 21.01.2023 | 18:00 | Heinzelmanngasse 17, Wien

Tipping Points 8 – Skills und Methoden für Soziale Bewegungen – Schwerpunkt: Community Organizing | 24.-26.02.2023 | Alte WU, Augasse 2-6, Wien

Articles & Newsletters

Building Resilient Organizations – Toward Joy and Durable Power in a Time of Crisis

How We Make Decentralized Decisions

Klima – Der Newsletter für die, die es kapiert haben


Building Networks in Uncertain Times – The Great Simplification with Marty Kearns

Who decides who decides: recursivity in grammars of governance – Metagovernance Seminar with Ted Rau and Alex Rodriguez

Learnings from Hosting “Embodying Collective Transformation” – Shift Podcast with Karl Steyaert (also available on the Microsolidarity Channel)

Debriefing After a Retreat with Climate Activists – Me and Richard D. Bartlett on the Microsolidarity Podcast

So, das war es nun erstmal von mir.
Liebe Grüße

